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KNISP (Pty) Ltd is a company built on the passion for programming, coding and developing applications that simplify and bring to SMMEs professional software solutions to fit their growth potential.
We specialize in Web-designing and company portal development and maintenance using leading edge technologies

Why Choose us: We are a small team and integrate your needs perfectly into the design of solutions that you require. We are best at working with small businesses with awesome growth potential so we can help you reach your potential.

Some of our strong points include:

We are a small team of geeks. We are specialist in web development, building websites, portals and content management systems for business is our specialty
No matter what your business IT needs may be we have what it takes to get you from point A to point B in the most effective way possible. Because we are a small team working from a small home office we have very little over heads and are able to deliver tailored solutions with least total cost of ownership to our clients while not compromising on quality, maintainability and delivery time lines
That is why we are trusted by a growing number of start ups and small & medium business looking to grow their business and take advantage of increasing online marketing potentials.
We will put your business on the map (Google map) literally and make it easy for local customers to find your business on the go and then we will secure your data, including company email etc in a secure local (south African) database from all the hackers & phishers out there, so your business records are viewed only by securely authenticated and authorized users
We make a monthly back up of your website and company data and keep up to three back copies on secured zip or .tar file
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