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Get a free quote here:In Four/4 simple steps.
The information will assist us in helping you achieve your website goal.

Your Contact Information

* Indicates required fields.
Your First Name*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Your Last Name*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Your organisation or business name*
enter company or business name here
enter company or business name here
Your Business Address*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Your Email Address*
enter email address here
enter email address here
Your Phonenumber*
enter your contact phone number
enter your contact phone number

Service Request Information

* Indicates required field.
Select Service Required from below drop down *
  • - select an option -
  • New Website
  • Redesign of Existing Website
  • Maintenance and takeover of existing website and services
  • Business office IT Support
  • Other
- select an option -
Select an option.
Select an option.
Business IT Support *
other option required
An audit of hardware and software used in office will be required. We will do this free. You can provide additional information here. The rest of the form may not apply to you; so you may skip to the end and submit form now. Thanks.
give a preliminary list of IT equipment example how many PCs, laptops, printers will be supported
give a preliminary list of IT equipment example how many PCs, laptops, printers will be supported
Other: Please specify *
other option required
Please explain here.
explain your option here or select another above..
explain your option here or select another above..
Suggest possible domain names to be registered. *
Suggest at least three domain names for your new website. One name per line.
example: We will check availabiility and let you choose the one to register.
suggest domain name here.
suggest domain name here.
Link to your existing website.*
enter url of exsiting website.
enter url starting with http://www.
enter url starting with http://www.
What Services would be included?
Field is required!
Field is required!
Other Service(s):
Please specify.
please specify...
please specify other service required.
please specify other service required.
Any Additional notes.
Any other additional notes about your website or needs...
Field is required!
Field is required!
Tell us about your goals for the site?
Check all applicable boxes.
Field is required!
Field is required!
Other Goal:
Please specify
Other goal, specify...
Field is required!
Field is required!

Website Tech

Your preferred web technologies
Which web technologies do you think will be required for your site?
Check all applicable boxes. This is important if you will need to maintain some content by yourself or by someone else.
Field is required!
Field is required!
What extra features, if any, must we include on your site?
Check all applicable boxes.
Field is required!
Field is required!
Others: Please specify.*
other feature, specify
specify other feature required.
specify other feature required.
Check Only Two words/phrases that best describes the style preference you envision for your website?.
You may check only two options
Field is required!
Field is required!
Could you provide 1-3 websites that you like or that seems to approximate your idea of what you want for your site.
First choice. Look and Feel.
Field is required!
Field is required!
Second choice. Look and feel.
Field is required!
Field is required!
Third choice. look and Feel.
Field is required!
Field is required!

Social Media

Your social media options
What social networks should be integrated to your site?
Choose one option only.
Field is required!
Field is required!

How it Works

You can sign us up and we will manage your brand online as well as provide you with a 24/7 on call service for all your business ICT needs. So you can focus on what makes your business succeed. With us your office connectivity and software services run seamlessly and flawlessly with routine offsite backup and secure email server and mission critical data security.
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